Let’s introduce you to Rebecca, a beautiful mama of three who we were lucky enough to have on the biglittlethings and biglittlegifting photoshoot for our Mother’s Day campaign when she was pregnant with her third child (welcome to the world Florence!).
We sat down with Rebecca and chatted all things motherhood, her challenging experiences with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in all of her pregnancies and how she manages the juggling of three gorgeous kids. There is so much goodness in this conversation and we are excited to share it with you.
Firstly, congratulations on the arrival of your gorgeous baby girl. Tell us a little about you and who is in your beautiful family of five?
Thank you so much! I am a women’s empowerment mentor as well as content creator. I absolutely love all things creativity and self development. My family is made up of my fiancé Nicholas, myself, our two boys Selah (4) Harley (3) and of course our newest addition Florence, or as we love to call her, Flossy Mae.

We understand that you have experienced hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) in all three pregnancies and know how deliberating this can be. Are you able to share your perspective on HG and how managing it in your third pregnancy was different with two kids to be there for?
Correct, the beginning was so, so rough. I felt completely alone, afraid, and like my body was failing me. I debated whether or not I could actually hold the pregnancy and baby. I couldn’t play with my children or do anything with them really. I also became isolated from work events and things like that, which was hard. My first pregnancy was actually the worst with HG, as I spent most of it in hospital. The crazy thing is with this pregnancy I only experienced sickness in the first trimester then it was pretty smooth sailing. I don’t know what the magic was that made it so different to the first two, however when I was sick the fear and horrible past memories of HG absolutely haunted me.
Do you have any advice or words of support for mamas who are currently going through a HG pregnancy?
Seek comfort in support. The only things that got me through HG was the community of other mamas out there who have truly gone through it that could hold me and validate what I was experiencing and feeling.
“Remember HG is temporary and you just have to get through each day, however you can”
I know “it’s worth it” sounds so cliche but it really is. Nine months of hell for a lifetime of the most beautiful and unconditional love.
We are really interested to hear your birth story with your baby girl, as we know you were preparing for a home birth. Can you share more details on both the lead up to birth and your daughter’s actual arrival?
I am so excited to have a moment where I can write my birth story in depth. It was a really powerful birth. Since the birth I have been over the moon that I really did it. I wanted a home birth initially, however I hadn’t planned a midwife so I was booked in at my local hospital. Long story short, after three hospital visits and weeks of early labour - my beautiful baby was born on my bedroom floor. In an unassisted freebirth witnessed by my four year old son and caught by her Daddy. We were prepared for all scenarios possible and we ended up not needing anything except ourselves. It was truly SO magic.
Can you tell us how postpartum has been with three children? Are you doing anything differently this time around?
Postpartum is wild and beautiful and so unique each time. There have been different emotions. It’s sad to think she is my last baby. I am staying mostly at home (unless it’s absolutely necessary) for the first forty days. I am replenishing my body with warmth and supplementing to ensure I’m getting enough nutrition.
“This time around has been the best in terms of support as I have learned how to ask for what I want and need. I was also prepared with meals and a meal train that was kindly set up for me, which changes everything when you have young hungry kiddies at home”
There’s definitely so many challenges that come with older kids - like not being able to be active when they have so much energy! I have felt guilt for this in the past, and I’ve learned to accept this time for what it is, honour and respect my body for the life it spent so long creating. It will make me a better mumma in the long term.
And lastly, a very important question, what are your top 3 favourite biglittlethings?
Top 3! That’s impossible to narrow down there’s soooo many goodies but what I’ve been loving most lately -
- Illoura the label - all of these pieces have my heart. The quality is unbeatable for newborns.
- Mammae the embodied mother - the Ode Form Botanical Mist is part of my everyday ritual as well as the Bosom Ritual Elixr
- Chekoh Wrap carrier - an absolute essential as a mum of three
But seriously, I can’t narrow it down. All the brands are wonderful and over the last four years I think I’ve had one of everything and biglittlethings have always exceeded my expectations. I love you.